Holly's Wonderful Life

As always Holly writes about her life better than anyone else could. This is her idea of how to introduce herself to schools that may desperately need her many talents.      

Holly p. rhodes
4785 Jett Rd.  Atlanta, Georgia 30327
hollyrhodes1@gmail.com (404) 550-6424

World Enough and time
Now that my nest is empty, long latent gifts seek expression. 

Lingate Swim Club, In retrospect, everything I ever needed to know
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Arts in English and Religion, 1982
Emory University, Candler School of Theology
Master of Theological Studies, 1999, Magna Cum Laude

Songs of innocence
Played school with an imaginary class of children.  I populated my class with children with monosyllabic Anglo-Saxon surnames—Smith, Jones, etc.  It was a different time.

Set up an employment agency in my nightstand drawer with cast off IBM computer cards and a lending library in my basement.  A prodigy of organization.

Was a friend to Corrine and Cordia Bonney, the shabby, rail thin poor twins no one else talked to.  Was a friend to Betty Buckner who developed early and was threatening to all flat-chested girls.  Was a friend to George Cotner until he got the wrong idea.  Everyone liked me. 

Songs of experience
Lingate Swim Club.  See above.

1982-1987 Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Staff  (Boston:  Harvard, Brown, Bunker Hill Community College;  Atlanta:  Emory and University of Georgia)  Worked with and for Black People.  Learned firsthand—painfully, joyfully—about race. 

1987 Became a Jane Austen devotee.  Bought her CD and her videos.
Went to Breadloaf Writers Conference and discovered I can write a sentence but not a story.  Mad crush on Nicholas Delbanco.

1988-1993 Added three to the madding crowd.

1993-present Diffident forays into the preparation of various cuts of meat and other miracles of housewifery. 
Read all the Booker Prize books, the breadth (and depth where there was affinity) of Nobel laureates, National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winners.  Dickens, a second run through the Bronte sisters, the James brothers, and the Russians, sundry poems, Kierkegaard, Kafka, Weil (again and again), etc.  Lolita.  Hmmm.  Traveled the dim pathways of the human psyche with these bright lights.

1999 Graduated from Candler School of Theology.  Wrote a 20 page paper at one end of the dining room table; sewed Halloween costumes at the other.  Dinner twice a week at Los Bravos.  Held on to my faith by a thread; after all, Nietzsche had a point.

2000 ff. Undertook the sport of rowing.  Discovered I’m a natural.  Old dog; new tricks.  Won the Georgia Games and competed respectably in the Masters Nationals. 

2003 Visited Rome and was uninspired by the many beautiful churches.  Went to the apartment where Keats died and had a religious experience.

2008 Taught a class on Wine and Jesus for The Atlanta Wine School.

2009-present Substitute teaching at The Lovett School including a ten week
     stint in the august company of Ulysses and Holden Caulfield with 31
     lucky freshmen.

2011 Undertook the reading of Ulysses in the merry company of five like-
     minded fellows well fortified with Irish stout.

1987-present I’ve been out there mixing it up in a world gone awry—exercising valuable leadership with non-profits and giving as I’ve been given.
      Three years tutoring kids at Scottish Rite
      Three non-profit boards(presently serving):  Hands on Atlanta, Sanders/
           Buckhead YMCA, Global Partners for Development
      Five years teaching Sunday school to kids who wanted to be elsewhere        
      Five years ushering at the Shakespeare Festival
      Thirty five hundred+ miles on Bike Ride Across Georgia (five trips) and
          the Underground Railroad route with the Dream Team, inner-city middle    
          and high school students
      Eight years of dedicated service to the homeless and addicted at Café 458
      $35,000+ raised for the YMCA Partner With Youth, Buckhead YMCA
          Volunteer of the Year
      Innumerable glasses of milk spilled and wine consumed
      Mostly, I was just a good mom.
      Almost everyone likes me.